Application FAQ
THINGS TO CONSIDER for the LAZF Application
Good morrow ‘ere zinesters! Applications are up so here are some guidelines, hints, & suggestions on how to improve your application!
Yes, our festival is two days for the 2025 year! This does not mean your application is for both days. Applicants have an opportunity to select a preferred date but this does not guarantee applicants will vend on their preferred day. We will try our best to accommodate their selected date though.
What helps us in the curatorial process:
DIRECT links to the zines you will be selling at the fest
Detailed descriptions of what your zines are about. And/or good, high quality PDFs or JPGs of your zines. Share with us, we wanna know!
What makes decision making a bit harder for us:
Dead links ‘cause, quite simply, they aren’t very helpful. Make sure to double check your links before you press the “Submit” button
Links that lead to your website BUT don’t show any of your zines
If you have zero zines finished but plan & hope to have your zine(s) finished by the time the fest comes around
If you have one zine and a bunch of merch that consists of tees, pins, posters, cassettes, etc. Or if you have ZERO zines and ONLY merch for sale. Remember, 80% of your table should be zines
Inaccessible prices! We understand zine production costs can vary depending on how your zine is made but we encourage you to offer a diverse price range to reach a wider audience
We don't have content restrictions per se, but Zines that contain any kind of discriminatory/offensive content towards humxns will not be tolerated
Due to the volume of applications we receive, we also get many zines that fall under similar genres. How does YOUR zine stand out?
You can apply via our google form here.